Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

We code so you don't have to

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Google AdWords Promos & Campaigns Part Three

Back on the attack! Time to make an ad or two to give you the feel! We ended the last post about to construct our first advertisement on this screen:

Constructin Your Ad

All in all this is pretty easy. There's no graphics, no font options, not jingles...just your words to draw people to your advertisement. The handy preview window the right will show you exactly what your ad will look like! As Google will tell you in the "Help me write a great text ad," draw attention to your ad by highlighting the amazing things you do, tell the users to do something (call, save, buy), use at least one relevant keyword and point the user to a landing page.

"Landing page? What?

In short, a Landing Page is a single page on your website that relates specifically to your advertisement. A casual visitor to your website can't find it. When a user clicks on your ad, they fall into a funnel and onto your Landing Page. The page is part of your website that includes very relevant content and keywords to the advertisement that lured the user in. The Landing Page is designed  to turn this user, convert them into a client, gather their contact information, convince them to sign up, take the next step.....achieve your goal.  Like AdWords campaigns, its one of the things we do here at Edgeworks Creative: design Landing Pages.

"I don't have a Landing Page!

That's ok. You may not have a Landing Page specifically design as such, but decide which page you want a visitor to see first based on your ad. Maybe it's your home page. Maybe it's the section of your website that demonstrates how you incorporate unicorns into the manufacturing process. Your "Display URL" should be the URL of your home page in every case, but your landing page is a visitor's first impression of you and your company. Be critical of your website and the keywords in your advertisement. Choose wisely.

Darn Tough Ad

Here with this ad, we're highlighting the guarantee. My Destination URL will take users who click on the ad to the guarantee page of the Darn Tough website. Unfortunately, this web page does not include the retail locations of where to buy the socks (the link is located above, though). The point of the advertisement, however, is to draw people to the website to learn more about the socks and where to get them. With Google Analytics installed, we would be able to track visitor behavior once they arrive, but that's a whole separate series of blog posts. Meanwhile, back to the keywords.

Select Keywords

Here is essentially a mini-version of the keyword tool we used earlier (See the first in this series). If you copied all those keywords into an Excel file or other doc, you can paste them in right here! Easy as pie!

Next up is the entire billing process! Wheeee! I think you can handle this part on your own. The one option ot be aware of is the One Time vs. Recurring billing options. You should receive email alerts when your account runs low, but especially if this is only a test run for you, I'd make this a on-time payment. Another note for you: It is very difficult to spend EXACTLY $25, the threshold where your $100 bonus kicks in. One client of mine had $0.03 on their account left before the promotion. I fought with Google on this and won the client a $25 credit, but save yourself the time and throw a few extra dollars on your account (this amount depends largely on the average CPC of your keyword).

Now, I know this is an experiment and there are a lot of other options we could delve into. If you have a question or run into trouble, pop a comment on here! Good night!


